Timo Woopen is a research associate and PhD candidate at the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) of RWTH Aachen University. After he graduated in Aachen in 2016 with a M.Sc. degree in automotive engineering, he joined the automated driving department of the ika. His main research topics are automated and connected vehicles together with infrastructural support. He supported local projects to build up an urban proving ground at the Aldenhoven Testing Center near Aachen. Since 2018, Timo Woopen is the overall project manager of the UNICARagil project. UNICARagil focuses on new disruptive modular architectures for agile and automated vehicle concepts and is funded by the German ministry of research and education with over 32 mio. Euros. Timo Woopen is leading the Research Area Vehicle Intelligence and Automated Driving of ika with currently 24 research associates since 2019.