Heading IAV's Department for Software and Algorithms in the Business area Powertrain and Power Engineering it is my mission to provide innovative approaches and technologies in control design, products, system integration and software engineering services to the automotive industry. We apply modern software development paradigms (CD/CI, TDD) with agile processes (SCRUM, Kanban) to satisfy customers needs in quality, time and cost. Our group works in an advanced development process combining simulation (SiL, MiL, HiL) with component and engine tests on IAVs modern test rigs. We support our internal development as well as our customers with innovative hardware solutions for measurement and rapid prototyping. Our holistic approach considers the interfaces of the internal combustion engine to engine control technology and emission control, exhaust aftertreatment. Of course we also keep the needs of the following series development and calibration always in mind. We perform engineering projects for german and international engine and vehicle OEM, as well as close interaction with Tier1 suppliers.